"We’ve saved more than 50% of time on paperwork with ToolTime."

William de Wet, Director

Zafbuild is a professional roofing service based in Bristol, UK. With a team of 15 skilled roofing experts, the company offers a wide range of roofing solutions and has won more than 30 industry awards. Managing projects across multiple platforms became inefficient as the business grew, leading them to adopt ToolTime to centralise all admin and improve overall operational efficiency.

Key challenges before using ToolTime

  • Using multiple platforms and apps: Zafbuild juggled multiple apps and programs for their admin tasks including WhatsApp, Excel and Word. They found this made the business more complicated than it needed to be and would spend a long time searching for site photos or job details.
  • Too long spent on admin: Zafbuild found they were spending a long time on paperwork and wanted to reduce this to focus more on investing that time back into the business.
  • Managing a growing business: As a growing business, Zafbuild needed to keep up with more admin as well as find areas to grow and increase profits. 
“It’s great to have all our site photos in one place too. No more scrolling for ages through my camera roll or our company WhatsApp group for the site photos we need. Now, I can just open up the relevant appointment and see the photos that have been uploaded directly from my supervisors on-site.”

How ToolTime solves these challenges

  • One place for everything: ToolTime helps Zafbuild keep one centralised place for everything and removes the need for multiple apps. Now they can just open the relevant appointment and find all the site photos, job details and more. It helps them simplify the documentation of their work.
  • Saved 50% of time on paperwork: Zafbuild said they’ve “saved more than 50% of our time on paperwork using ToolTime.” While it used to take them up to half an hour to do the admin for each job, with ToolTime is only takes them 5. By saving time on paperwork, ToolTime has enabled them to go back to customers who don’t accept their quote to understand the reason and get feedback. Sometimes they even win them back.
  • Empowering business growth: ToolTime has already helped Zafbuild grow the business by 20% in terms of profit. By having everything in one place, they can now see exactly what they need to do to achieve growth.