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Meet our ToolTime Team: Vera Fuest, Product Team

This week we are diving into the product and engineering department and getting to know Vera Fuest, who has been with ToolTime since June 2019 already!

1. What is your position at ToolTime?

As Lead Product Manager, I see it as my responsibility to create an environment where all the team members of the squad work collaboratively on translating user needs and pain points into concepts. Together, we move the feature forward as a team. I provide guidance and focus along the way to make sure that we deliver value to our users at the highest speed possible.

2. What does your typical morning as a Lead Product Manager look like?

A typical day for me always starts with a round of standups where we kick off the day together, which is really nice. We update each other on our current tasks, try to identify blockers, or clarify potential misunderstandings, so that everyone can have a ‘good flow’ into the day.

3. What is the best part of working at ToolTime?

Definitely, the people are the best part of ToolTime. What brings me the most joy and motivation is to work with such driven, energetic and motivated people. With them, I can constantly learn more about myself, but also how we grow and work best together. I also really like to work on such a user-centric product where I can feel that we are really making a difference for our users in their daily lives.

4. What are you most proud of doing at ToolTime?

I think that I’m really proud when I can see that I created an environment in the squads that the team really enjoys working in, where they strive for higher aspirations, open up and appreciate trust and impact they can have. I know that as a Lead Product Manager I’m a crucial part of that and that I have a direct influence on the roles of every single person. I always try to share as much responsibility with the squad members so that everyone knows that they can contribute and have a say.

5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside of work, I usually play basketball and I really like to dance. I did hip hop dance before all the courses stopped happening due to the pandemic. Now I do a lot of yoga, but I’m considering picking up where I left off with basketball again because I really like team sports.

Thank you Vera Fuest for this lovely interview! Are you also interested in joining the team? We are constantly looking for the best talent to join our team.

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